Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 - Big Paper 1 Outline

Thesis: Although most people think that digital representation devices are corrupting the minds of our society’s youth, digital representation devices actually provide our society with the ability to keep in touch with everyone, and entertain and stimulate our minds through television and video game systems.

Argument one: Technology provides our society with a faster way to keep in touch with people. Instead of sending letters, we can send emails that would reach the recipient faster, and text people when we feeling like having a quick chat. Websites such as Facebook or Myspace help us reconnect with old friends, or people in other countries. Through a satellite we can talk to people in China, Australia, or Russia, with the simple click of a mouse.

Argument two: Video games help stimulate our minds while improving our hand eye coordination and character survival skills. Video game systems such as the Wii also keep our bodies fit and in motion. Not all games make the players sit on their couches and stare at a TV screen; they also incorporate the movement of the player’s bodies.

Argument three: Television stimulates our mind, even though our body is at rest. While some people think that we are just mindless bodies watching a box with images, some shows actually make us think, and analyze what is going on. Shows such as ER, House, Lost, and Flash Forward, make the viewers analyze what is happening, and in the case of Lost and Flash Forward, predict an outcome. In the case of ER and House, viewers are able to actually see what goes on in a medical room, an experience they would not likely have in their daily lives. All though they are not actually in the hospital, they can imagine themselves as if they are.

Evidence: “Everything Bad Is Good For you” by Steven Johnson (use in paragraphs two and three), Classmate's quotes

Me: how do you think wii's stimulate our mind and bodies in physical motions?
Carrie: it makes us interact physically with the game rather than the typical video games
where u only have a control and you're only moving your fingers
Me: do you think it stimulates our brain also?
Carrie:so i guess it links your mind with your physical activities
like how you would in real life
Me: do you think it stimulates our brain also?
Carrie: yeah

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    I like your opposing point of view. Many people feel as if this digital craze is affecting us in a negative way. After reading your outline I see you have some good points which will hopefully stand out better in your actual paper.
    You feel like modern technology helps us interact with each other in a much less time consuming manor. Video games seem to help us stimulate our minds, and watching television helps us think more deeply about what is actually being viewed.
    Compared to your outline, my views on this topic are completely different. I feel that even though digital devices help us connect with each other faster, they are depended on a lot, which is not a good thing. I feel like even though video games do stimulate our minds we cannot limit ourselves and how long we use them. The same thing goes for television viewing; many of the things that are on there will not help us in the near future, yet we seem to stare at it all day.
    I think that you have some really interesting points in your outline. You can make it better by having a more “tight” thesis; I feel like you are saying too many things and it just lost me and I forget what your main point is. You should also use examples of what you are trying to prove so that the reader will have a better understanding of what you are trying to say.
    After reading your outline it makes me think more about my views on this topic and how it relates to yours. We seem to be on the same page here but are directed in to a different pathway.
    I look forward to reading your ideas in your paper.
    Amber M.
