Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework 7 - Interviews and Surveys

Today I decided to interview my sister about her thoughts on digitalization. I figured that since she is still a child (she is twelve), her thoughts would most likely be the same as the ones shared in class. However, her thoughts were less thought-out and did not make much sense. I will paraphrase what was said in our conversation here. First I asked her if technology and digitalization was a good or bad thing. Her reply was that it is good because it helps us reconnect with people, it’s entertaining, and it helps us find research (for homework). I asked her what about it was entertaining, and her answer was I don’t know, all of it. I then proceeded to ask her if she thinks facebook helps us create a mask or false identity when chatting with people on the internet, and she said yes because people pretend to be someone else. She also said that you can be talking to people who are pretending to be kids, but aren’t. I then asked why would you talk to someone you don’t know if you think it is wrong and she shrugged. One of the final questions I asked her was in your opinion; does digitalization drive our society apart or bring it closer? After pondering the question, and changing her answer several different times, she then decides that it brings our society closer because it raises awareness about what is going on in the world. I asked her how facebook raises awareness and she did not give me an answer.

Yesterday during class, we went outside onto the streets of Manhattan and interviewed strangers on their thoughts and opinions on digitalization and technology in our society. The answers varied between age differences and genders of the people interviewed, and some people said extremely interesting stuff. The first guy we interviewed was walking a dog, and looked to be about in his twenties. He was willing to answer all of our questions, but didn’t really give any answers we didn’t hear before. We asked if he was addicted to technology, and he said that he could not live without his cell phone or his iPod. He then pulled out his cell phone to show us it, and I noticed that he also had iPod headphones in his ears. He also said he “could not live without technology”. We asked him how many hours in a day he spends using technology or electronic devices, and he said he spent about “50% of his time” using technology. When asked about how his iPod and music makes him feel, he went on to explain that he listens to music “that corresponds with his mood”, and also said “music helps him alter his mood”.

The next guy we interviewed was an older gentleman, who looked to be about in his forties or fifties. He was reluctant to answer our questions, but we promised we would be quick, and thus did not get to ask him all of our questions. The first question we asked him was how he felt about technology and digitalization, and he tried to make a joke about his Blackberry, calling it a “Crackberry”. He went on to explain how he was addicted to his “Crackberry” and pulled it out and showed it to us. He didn’t seem to care for his “Crackberry” much, even though he was addicted to it. Maybe that was why he didn’t care for it?

Next, we interviewed a guy who worked at the hotel near Gramercy Park as a valet, and looked to be in his twenties. When asked how he felt about technology and digitalization, he said it was “extremely useful” and helped him “connect with others”. When asked how long he spent using electronic devices, he explained that he used his cell phone a lot, but for work purposes. He told us that he needed his cell phone for his job all the time, but if he didn’t need it for work he would not be using it as much. We then asked that if he could not use technology for a day, what he would choose to do, and his reply was “I would play sports”. He then said that he felt it was “more important to be outside and be active” then “sitting down staring at a computer screen”.

The last person we interviewed was a lady who was walking her dog, and looked to be about in her forties or fifties. When asked how she felt about technology and digitalization, she said it was “useful for work” but did not care for it. The only reason she used her computer was because her job revolved around it, but otherwise she “would not have a use for it”. She said she felt that technology was ridiculous, and people are always “using it to type papers” instead of “writing on papers”. She explained that in her time homework was “written on paper, not typed and printed out”. When asked if she would limit her child’s use of technology, she said “she already does to her little boy, but he sees her using her computer and wants’ to use it also.” She limits him to about three hours max, and would prefer to have him outside being active.

This is my interview I had with one of my best friend's Yang. She goes to a different school so I emailed her the questions and she emailed me back her answers, which are shown below:

1. How do you feel about technology and digitalization in our society?
I feel technology has helped us a lot in life. We made much progress and communication is a lot more convenient and faster.
2. Do you think you are addicted to technology?
Yeah pretty much I'd be lost without it because I've become so dependent on it. Without it I won't be able to function.
3. If you were not allowed to used technology or any electronic devices for a day, what would you rather be doing?
Sleeping probably because I'd fall asleep from boredom of not having technology to use.
4. How much time in a day do you spend using technology?
Almost all day.
5. If you had a sixteen-year old child, would you limit their use of > technology in a day? if so, what would be the maximum amount of time > they would be able to use technology?
Yes because it does distract them from many things. I would just limit it to where they must complete their work before sitting down with a phone, TV, etc.

I also asked my boyfriend Billy his opinions on these questions, and below are his answers (all sent to me via email).

1. How do you feel about technology and digitalization in our society?
I feel technology has its good benefits but is sometimes abused.
2. do you think you are addicted to technology?
In a way I am addicted to technology but also in a way I am not. For example unlike other people I CAN live a day without my phone. I in fact had to go a month without it and lived.
3. If you were not allowed to used technology or any electronic devices > for a day, what would you rather be doing?
I would definitely be doing something constructive like playing basketball
4. How much time in a day do you spend using technology?
I’m not exactly sure how long a day I use technology because technology is basically all around us if you think about it.
5. If you had a sixteen-year old child, would you limit their use of technology in a day? If so, what would be the maximum amount of time they would be able to use technology?
No I wouldn't limit their access to technology because it just wouldn't be fair to them because of how spoiled we are when we were younger.

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