Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 4 - Triangular Comments 1

Na Lin,

I think this was a wonderful post; you brought up a lot of great points and provided evidence for those points. Also your picture on the top of your blog really drew me in, and gave me the urge to see what your blog was about. The quote on top of the picture also gave me something to think about before I read your post, which I thought was good because it set off the gears in my mind.
I think your point about how humans are always trying to make current technology better is an extremely strong point, and I like how you backed up that point with evidence about the A.C or how this all creates pollution. I would have never thought about how our current technology is polluting the earth, and I thought that was interesting to read.

One idea that I thought connected to something we brought up in class was your idea about how digitalization helps people figure out who they are. You are stating that they create another personality that might help them blend in with their friends, and this relates to something we said in class. We were talking about how people use technology to put on a mask, so they don’t have to show people who they really are, instead they get to show people who they want to be.

One point that I think you should expand on further is the point about a second personality. I don’t feel that you focused too much on that point; rather you just put it out there. However, it is a really interesting point, and I would love to read more about what you think about people and their masks they create using the digital world.

Also, not to be critical, but you might want to proofread your paper, because I found some grammar mistakes that made it hard to understand what you were trying to say. I think you made a strong point in this statement: “Digitalization lets me talk to people that I don't really know, it can be dangerous but as long as you know what you're doing it'll be fine.”, however I was confused by your wording and feel that if you edited the grammar, your point could be even stronger. Although I probably have grammar mistakes in my posts also, so I would not focus too much on this little grammar mistake.

One thing that your post really makes me think about is how we can use things such as A.C and cars so easily, but we are damaging the world we live in by creating pollution, and instead of spending so much money on A.C’s and materialistic things, we could spend our money helping people in third world countries. However, I think that even though people are aware that others are starving and dying in other countries, we don’t do anything about it because we do not feel like it is our problem, so instead we spend money on useless items. Your post really brought light to my eyes about how others who are not as advanced as us live.
I really enjoyed reading your post because I think you brought up a lot of good points. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future (:


I really enjoyed reading your post, however you seem to be a little hypocritical. You say that people are so immersed in technology that they do not have time to enjoy the outside world, however i think if i was to take your iPod away from you, you would be lost. I always see you with your ipod, and if i was to take that away from you then you would be lost, is that not true?

I can connect to your cousin however, because even when i am outside i will be on my phone, or when i am at the dinner table, i will be on my phone. As you like to tell me everyday, my phone is attached to my hip. however i consider it more of a security blanket then a inconvenience. Having my phone with me, i know that i can always say connected to people, however far away they are from me. Although i try to stay away from texting when i am with my family, on some occasions i will take my phone out and text. this is because as much as i like to see my family, i have to admit at times they are boring and i would much rather be talking to my friends.

One point that you might care to think about though is how technology brings people together also. Technology is not always bad, it can also bring people closer, or hep people reconnect with their old buddies. For example, facebook is one way that people who have not seen or spoke to friends from their middle school can connect back with them, and see how they are doing. If we did not have facebook to reconnect with old friends, we would probably never speak to them again, true?

I like your point in the last paragraph though about how people are always trying to improve technology. There is always something better then the current phenomenon, and people always want the next best thing, however expensive it is.

I really enjoyed reading your post, and i look forward to reading more of your posts!


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