Monday, September 21, 2009

Homework 6- Video Project

Using Technology from Rachel J on Vimeo.

When watching my own video, I realized how completely zoned out I was while focusing on a computer screen. I did not know my mother was walking back in forth in the background, or my sister was being her usual annoying self and sticking herself into my video. I wasn’t aware of anything but what I was doing on the screen. I like to think that I am still conscious when watching TV or on the computer, but my video proved to me that I get completely sucked in to the virtual/digital world and am oblivious to anything else in the world.

I would not want my little sister (or future child) to spend a lot of time using technology, but by saying this I am being a hypocrite. I feel that even though technology is entertaining, children should be outside being active. However, I always have my cell phone or iPod with me, so I don’t want to sound like a hypocrite. Although the rules might change when I do have a child, so I would probably limit them to a maximum of three or four hours of technology a day. However I would make an exception to cell phone or iPod use, because most of the time you are still on the go being active when using a cell phone or iPod. Sitting in front of a computer screen or television is different though, and deserves a time limit.

Watching my video, I tried to think of how it would look to another viewer who did not know why I posted that video or what I was doing. I realized that I would look weird to another viewer, because I have a video of myself staring at something and listening to and iPod. The video does not show that I am on a computer, although that would be common sense. However, on the computer I was IMing my friends and on facebook, but that is not evident in the video. I just look like I am staring at a blank screen, and my emotions are not changing. Even though there is something happening on the computer screen, nobody can tell but me, which makes me look odd in the video.


    and can I tell you how funny it is watching you stare mad hard at your computer screen? lmao I should shutup though 'cause I probably look like that too.

  2. lmao watch when i watch your video how funny youre gunna look xp

  3. commented your post - but my blog account doesnt let me leave long comments. its on blog - sorry for inconvenience.


  4. i posted the comment to your comment on your blog and on here.

    First, thank you for the comment, i appreciate it, and you brought up a lot of good points.

    You point in where you disagreed with me was also helpful because i got to see both points of the arguement, not just mine.

    It is true that during my video my facial expression did change, this is because i think i was on my facebook and was laughing at one of the comments my friend left me. The reason i also answered my cellphone when it rang was because it was right next to me by my computer and i saw the lights flash on it It did indeed pull me out of my trance that the computer put me in, but like you said, i went right back to the trance once the phone call was over.

    Another thing you mentioned was how i was very quiet in my video. This is because,like you said, i was in a trance brought on by the computer, and was not aware of anything else going on in the world. i was displaced, as we said in andy's class.

    One thing i found funny about your comment was how you picked up on how fast i type on my computer. My friend said that same exact thing to me a couple of weeks ago when we were in class. I never realized this about me, and what is ironic is that i don't often use my computer, only for homework. I use my sidekick more, so i guess that ties into the whole typing fast thing.

    Thanks for reading and posting a comment on my blog.


  5. Rachel,
    I really enjoyed watching your video and reading your reflection. I thought that you brought up some really interesting points. You really made me wonder more about my future and how digital representation devices are affecting how others may see me.
    When you stated that you became completely disembodied, I thought that you really captured how everyone sort of feels. Someone may be in a situation where they missed out on an opportunity because they were captured by the digital world. To me, I think that digital representation devices were set up to make it so that you cannot use them without becoming zoned out. If you think about it, it's extremely hard to accomplish something using DRD without becoming disembodied. People may see this as a bad thing but it's not only with DRD, it is the same with reading and any other activities that require focus. This also reminded me of how people become zoned out in the street with that weird blue tooth thing. I know that when I see them in the street it seems to me as if they are crazy people walking down the street and then realize that they are having an actual conversation with someone.
    You also stated that you didn't want to sound like a hypocrite because you wouldn’t want your little sister or future child using DRDs for long periods of time; you would rather them outside being active. Since you think that, do you really think that there is a lack of outside activity in your own life? I say this because as a gymnast I train 4 hours everyday but still get as much time in the digital world as others do (of course I have lost some sleep but I'm used to it.) Do you think that I may still be over doing it? I guess what the real question is if your okay with the way your living now and you aren't following your own standards, then why should your child or little sister have to live differently?
    Even though I just questioned you on that point, I kind of agree. I rethought that topic of my future kids and actually considered that I would like to keep my children away from the digital world. It's that I wouldn't really mind them becoming a digital person, but I want to give them the chance to choose otherwise. It's like drugs. The digital world is addicting and once you get started with it, it's ten times harder to stop.
    Well both your video and reflection were really interesting and really made me think about my life. Can't wait to hear more from you.
    -Amanda :)

  6. Thank you Amanda for your comment.
    i love reading what you wrote and thought that you had some very interesting opinions.
    i think that i would limit my child or sister because i feel that it has messed me up, and dont want them living like that. like you said, the digital world is like drugs, and i do not want them to become addicted.
    thank you for reading and commenting my post i really enjoyed reading what you wrote.
