Friday, September 11, 2009

Homework 3: Initial Thoughts On Digital Unit

Digitization is a huge part of today's world. Our society consists of using technology for everything we do and as humans strive for a better and faster world. Practically every teenager in today's world has some sort of an electronic device, rather it be an ipod, cell phone, camera, or other sorts of electronic devices. If you were to take our electronic devices away from us, we would be lost.

Personally, i like living in our digitized world because everyone is connected. I am able to talk to someone across the country, like California, or someone across the world, like Asia, by sending a simple text or email. Decades ago, people had to send snail mail and wait days for it to arrive to their receiver. In today's society, there is not one teenage who does not own a electronic device, whether it be a cell phone, ipod, laptop, computer, or other forms of electronic devices. our society is so consumed with constantly making what is already good better, that everyone wants the next best thing, especially teenagers. if you were to take our electronic devices away from teenagers, they would not know how to survive, because everywhere we go we are faced with electronics. they make up our lives, sad as that sounds.

However, there are downfalls to technology and digitization. Our entire world consists of electronics, and people have lost their identities. An example of this s the use of facebook. People create facebook accounts to connect with old friends, but instead of calling them up and having an intellectual conversion, people write on each others facebook walls with the basic "hey what's up". Instead of debating on important topics such as the war in Iraq, people talk about what they ate for dinner. Facebook also helps people create "masks" for themselves. They are able to keep secrets, and only tell people what they want them to know. I think that everyone has a mask, even if they do not realize it. i think that people generate masks for themselves because they want to appear mysterious to people, and with today's technology that is possible. when talking to someone over the Internet or text message, that person does not not what you currently look like or what you are doing unless you tell them. it gives you a mask of secrecy, an illusion that stops people from knowing everything about you. i also believe that people are masked to themselves because after creating a mask to keep other people from learning too much about them, they start to believe in that mask themselves. people start to believe that mask, and act like it is who they really are. technology plays a huge role into the masks of our daily lives because it helps set those boundaries. there's no need for face-to-face conversations, therefore the people in the conversation do not get to see how the other reacts.

Besides using the Internet, people also spend a lot of their time watching TV. Although watching TV might seem pointless, it is an easy way for people to escape their own lives. I know that sometimes when i watch TV it is not to put stupid images into my mind, but to distract my mind from thinking about the outside world, such as school or pointless drama. Watching TV is an escape route from dealing with reality. People can also say the same thing about music. When people use ipods on the train, it is not to seem standoffish, but to escape from the boredom of a train ride.

I am really excited for this course because i feel that it will be extremely interesting to learn how technology has affected our culture. Also instead of learning about math or science, which might help us in our future depending on our careers, we are learning about what is going on today, and relating it directly to our life.


  1. Hi Rachel,

    I thought your view on digitalization was very interesting, you put a lot of thought into your writing, relating it to how it affects people around our age. I agree that people strive for a better and faster world to live in as well as people becoming so close to technology as if it’s something they need rather than just something they want. People upgrade their items so that it's fast and more proficient. Another interesting thing I wanted to read more about was people facebooking; it’s human to want to cry for attention. After reading your view on facebooking, I felt like words that people can say easily online start to lose its meaning. For example, people are saying “I love you” online a lot — you can’t really get anything from this because you can’t really see the other person so when you hear it in the real world, it starts to lose its meaning.

    People just want to think that they can’t survive a day without technology but that’s only because they’ve gotten so attached to it and rely on it so much that they forget the use of other things that can be used around them. Humans just find that electronics make life easier for them, like using music to control their emotions. Facebook helps people show a side in which they can’t show in the real world, sometimes traits of a person like kindness can’t be shown because they become big targets for bullies. People feel that using Facebook is a place where they can be themselves. T.V. is a way of escaping reality and all of the problems being forced on to them. People use technology to make time fly by so that we won’t have to live so many boring hours in a day.

    I think you could make the paragraph on how people create a mask better if you use the quote from class so that we can see that many other people also agree with this statement. In class Cindy said that “You don’t get to show your emotions so it’s easier to lie,” this relates to the masked people created in your post. This also relates to what Andy said, “Representation Reality hollows the meaning in reality”.

    I think it would be better if you use the technique we are learning in English with the synonyms because some of the sentences are repetitive. Another suggestion is talking about the human wants and needs because people don’t need 4 iPods, an iphone, 2 laptops and a computer. They could be like Jia Min who has 1 iPod and someone else who has 1 phone and 1computer/laptop. People shouldn’t waste money when knowing that there are others who could have made better use of it and save the injured/poor. Pardon my discourtesy. ><’’

    Your post made me think a lot about the people I talk to online even though I don’t really know them; I spent hours in a day listening to their problems. I don’t think I’ve wasted those hours listening because I’m glad I was able to sit down and help that person. I’ve found many people online with problems by flipping through posts and looking at all the people who have to face hardships. I was thinking if this person didn’t have a computer to post these questions, then they might have been the one crying (I read a post about a girl who saw her mother with another guy and is worrying about whether she should tell her dad, ask her mom or do nothing). Everything has its positive and negative as well as technology.

    Reading your post made me realize that digitalization isn’t really that bad, I’ve been looking at all of this with one eye. I agree with a lot of the things you said in your post and enjoyed reading it as well. I’m hoping to read more of your intriguing ideas. =^-^=
    Sorry for my super long response.

    (>’.’)> Thank you for reading! <(‘.’<)
    Na L

  2. Na Lin,
    Thank you for the comment, and i think you raised really interesting points. Thank you for taking the time out to read my post, and post feedback to my thoughts. I appreciate how you read my points, then commented on what you thought about what i wrote.

    Your point about how people can not live without technology really struck a cord with me. My mom decided to ground me and take my phone away for a week, an it is only the second day of me not having my phone and i already can not survive. After reading what you wrote, i realized that this is true, because now that i do not have my phone with me, i feel as if i have lost a security blanket.

    I think that we can share our points of view with each other, because you focus more on how digitalization is a bad thing, and i focus on some of the good points and the bad points of it. I think that if we combined our views we could make some really strong points.

    You and I both bring up the point about facebook, and wondering if talking to people we do not know is a good thing or bad thing. One question i have wondering about this is facebook a good or bad thing? Is it helping our society come together or tearing us apart?

    Thank you once again for your comment.

  3. I like your post Rachel. You seem to be very into technology and give all the reasons why someone else should. But you also say how its a bad thing. I like your points about people with masks using facebook as a screen to create someone different then who you really are.
    Facebook can be seen as both good and bad. You can add to your point that facebook is a good way to keep in touch. But you say that people write on each others facebook walls with the basic "hey what's up" and thats not intellectual. This can be added with texting. The same basic conversations of "hey how are you" result with texting. The only way to have a deep conversation is to be face to face but I can see where talking on the phone is the next best thing.

    I agree that having a phone is great because it connects you with people that are living far away from you. I also enjoy texting with my friends. I can see where your coming from but I feel that all that texting is fake conversations. There is no real depth behind them. It reminds me of something empty, yes your talking with people but you can never have the full aspect as you do when your face to face. This connects to Carries point about "Technology takes away from the more personal aspects of daily interactions." There are so many things missing. There's so many things that aren't said but people are still thinking and you can not really get the back round of it unless you are face to face.

    You did make me think about all the times I have used technology even though I say that they are a bad thing. I guess I'm like you who has reasons for liking both but I do believe you lean more towards technology. Your so funny with out your phone. Like something is missing. I got so used to you having it and texting all the time.

    Nice post rachel, I hope I get a chance to read more of your posts.

  4. oh thanks Kate, i'm glad i make you laugh with my phoneless self -.-

    But anyways, thanks for the comment and i agree with everything you said. You bring up some really interesting points, and i like how you understood what i was trying to say in my post.

    Thank you for reading my post, and for commenting on it, it is highly appreciated.
