Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework 10 - Informal Research Internet

This article was talking about how people might be able to get a brain tumor after using their cell phones for ten or more years. However, the article does not state if that is a fact or not, as they are still trying to find the answer.

From the link above, I think the most interesting part of the text is the paragraph that reads "Early last year Dr. Lonn published the results of a Swedish study, which found an increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a type of brain tumor, after 10 or more years of cell phone use. This year he published more research results, which showed that cell phones did not increase the risk of other brain tumor types (gliomas or meningiomas). These types of conflicting reports often leave the public unsure about whether cell phones pose a risk or not." I thought this was interesting because even though Dr. Lonn reported in a Swedish study that there is an increased risk of getting a brain tumor, after doing more research, he contradicted what he originally said. After reading this paragraph, i couldn't figure out if cell phone use increased a risk of a brain tumor because of the two contradicting results reported in this article.

When reading this article, my thoughts were all over the place. I did not know if i should worry about getting a brain tumor from excessive cell phone use, or not have to worry about it. I was scared, but then did not know what to think. After reading this article i decided to read others and see what they said about getting a brain tumor from excessive cell phone use.

This article also said that people can get brain tumors from using cell phones, however they said that instead of being from excessive cell phone use, it was from the regularity of cell phone use.

From the link above, I think the most interesting part of the text is the paragraph that reads "The research team said it found no association between the tumors and heavy cell phone use, but rather on the length of time those in the study had been regular cell phone users." I thought this was interesting because other articles i read connected brain tumors to excessive use of cell phones, while this article said that brain tumors have an association with people who used their cell phones regularly, but not necessarily excessively.

When reading this article, my mind was extremley confused because this article was telling me something different from the above article. One of the questions in my mind was: So does that mean excessive cell phone use is not the cause of a possible brain tumor, but refualr phone use? And what does this mean for people who excessively use their phones on a daily basis? Are they at a higher risk? I decided to read another article and see what they wrote about this topic.

This article article also said that people who use their cell phone regularly have a higher chance of getting a brain tumor than people who do not. It also said that people with a higher risk of getting a brain tumor are under the age of 20.

From the link above, I think the most interesting part of the text is the paragraph that reads "using a cell phone causes the risk of getting a brain tumor called a glioma to rise by 40 to 270 percent on the side of the head preferred for using the phone". I think this was extremley shocking because after the past articles i have been reading, i did not think that i needed to worry about the chance of getting a possible brain tumor from excessive cell phone use. But after reading this article and looking at how drastically the risk increased, i got scared again.

When reading this article, the thoughts running through my mind were panicky thoughts. I didn't know what to believe after reading this article, and became a bit worried. All of these articles were telling me different things, and i did not know what to believe.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homework 8- Comment On Partner's Videos


I actually really enjoyed your video because I think you organized it in a thoughtful and organized way. I like how you incorporated all of your uses of technology, and how it transitioned flawlessly. I also like the music you were listening to in the background, and how you shown yourself just lying there listening to music.

One of the main points that you wrote about was how out of place you felt watching yourself on video. I felt the same way when watching my video, and automatically connected what you said to what I wrote in my post. One of my favorite quotes in your post was “I love the feeling when I’m using them and not watching myself do so, I dislike the strange feeling I get when I’m watching myself.” I liked this quote because I feel that it states how most people feel when using technology versus watching themselves using technology. I feel that you summed up that point excellently with that one statement.

Another quote I thought was interesting in your post was “I think what’s happening on the digital devices – like exactly what is going through our minds is more along the lines of satisfaction/ enjoyment. But this is not the way it seems when we watch ourselves doing so.” This line made me think about what you said, and how it’s true. We have so much fun using digital devices but when watching ourselves using these devices, we look nothing but bored and zoned out. Maybe you can ask some people who watch your video how they are reacting, or how they think you look? I know you posted something like that in your post, but maybe you might want people to have that focus when watching your video? It’s just a suggestion, but it goes along with what you are saying, that is what I brought it up.

Your post helps me realize that we don’t need technology to have fun; we can make our own fun. Watching your video made me realize that almost everyone’s videos is the same, we all have that zoned out staring into space look on our faces.
I really enjoyed reading your post, and thought it brought up a lot of intellectual points. I can’t wait to read more of your posts.



I really enjoyed reading your post and watching your video, I thought you had some interesting points, and your video was nice and organized. I also liked the transitions you put in there when switching from digital devices.

One of your paragraphs made me laugh, while also bringing up an extremely interesting point. Your paragraph that reads “Every time I view my video, it seems as if I am continuously reliving those meaningless moments.” I thought that was funny because I never really thought about watching a video of yourself using technology as a meaningless moment, but now that you brought it up, it makes a lot of sense. Okay now that I explained why I find it funny, it doesn’t seem so funny anymore. But that is an extremely interesting and true point though.

One of your quotes made me think about a conversation I had with my friend Jimmy a while ago. The quote that reads “Is it really possible to have an extremely deep conversation that isn't face to face?” A couple of months ago Jimmy and I were having an extremely deep conversation (through aim no less), and we were also thinking about how most of the time conversations people have with each other are pointless. I was telling him how nice it was to be able to have a friend you could have a deep conversation with, and he said sometimes that is what you need. He said sometimes pointless conversation just doesn’t satisfy one’s needs. When reading this question you posed, I thought about how it is possible to have an extremely deep conversation that isn’t face to face, but people don’t because they get lazy and instead have pointless conversations that don’t require much thought.

Because of this line in your post “It seemed as if I was wasting time”, I have decided to change a little bit of my lifestyle. I realized that it is true, while using all these digital devices; we are wasting our lives slowly. Every moment consumed staring at a screen for entertainment use is a moment we could be out being active, but we aren’t. It’s also a moment we can never recover.

To tie back to the question you asked and I previously restated, maybe you can try having more meaningful conversations with your friends? Even though it does not look like you are having those conversations, you know that you are which means you aren’t wasting your time. I am not saying you have to have these conversations all the time, everyone knows that would suck. But just see if you could incorporate it into your daily life?

I really enjoyed reading your post and can’t wait to red more posts by you!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework 7 - Interviews and Surveys

Today I decided to interview my sister about her thoughts on digitalization. I figured that since she is still a child (she is twelve), her thoughts would most likely be the same as the ones shared in class. However, her thoughts were less thought-out and did not make much sense. I will paraphrase what was said in our conversation here. First I asked her if technology and digitalization was a good or bad thing. Her reply was that it is good because it helps us reconnect with people, it’s entertaining, and it helps us find research (for homework). I asked her what about it was entertaining, and her answer was I don’t know, all of it. I then proceeded to ask her if she thinks facebook helps us create a mask or false identity when chatting with people on the internet, and she said yes because people pretend to be someone else. She also said that you can be talking to people who are pretending to be kids, but aren’t. I then asked why would you talk to someone you don’t know if you think it is wrong and she shrugged. One of the final questions I asked her was in your opinion; does digitalization drive our society apart or bring it closer? After pondering the question, and changing her answer several different times, she then decides that it brings our society closer because it raises awareness about what is going on in the world. I asked her how facebook raises awareness and she did not give me an answer.

Yesterday during class, we went outside onto the streets of Manhattan and interviewed strangers on their thoughts and opinions on digitalization and technology in our society. The answers varied between age differences and genders of the people interviewed, and some people said extremely interesting stuff. The first guy we interviewed was walking a dog, and looked to be about in his twenties. He was willing to answer all of our questions, but didn’t really give any answers we didn’t hear before. We asked if he was addicted to technology, and he said that he could not live without his cell phone or his iPod. He then pulled out his cell phone to show us it, and I noticed that he also had iPod headphones in his ears. He also said he “could not live without technology”. We asked him how many hours in a day he spends using technology or electronic devices, and he said he spent about “50% of his time” using technology. When asked about how his iPod and music makes him feel, he went on to explain that he listens to music “that corresponds with his mood”, and also said “music helps him alter his mood”.

The next guy we interviewed was an older gentleman, who looked to be about in his forties or fifties. He was reluctant to answer our questions, but we promised we would be quick, and thus did not get to ask him all of our questions. The first question we asked him was how he felt about technology and digitalization, and he tried to make a joke about his Blackberry, calling it a “Crackberry”. He went on to explain how he was addicted to his “Crackberry” and pulled it out and showed it to us. He didn’t seem to care for his “Crackberry” much, even though he was addicted to it. Maybe that was why he didn’t care for it?

Next, we interviewed a guy who worked at the hotel near Gramercy Park as a valet, and looked to be in his twenties. When asked how he felt about technology and digitalization, he said it was “extremely useful” and helped him “connect with others”. When asked how long he spent using electronic devices, he explained that he used his cell phone a lot, but for work purposes. He told us that he needed his cell phone for his job all the time, but if he didn’t need it for work he would not be using it as much. We then asked that if he could not use technology for a day, what he would choose to do, and his reply was “I would play sports”. He then said that he felt it was “more important to be outside and be active” then “sitting down staring at a computer screen”.

The last person we interviewed was a lady who was walking her dog, and looked to be about in her forties or fifties. When asked how she felt about technology and digitalization, she said it was “useful for work” but did not care for it. The only reason she used her computer was because her job revolved around it, but otherwise she “would not have a use for it”. She said she felt that technology was ridiculous, and people are always “using it to type papers” instead of “writing on papers”. She explained that in her time homework was “written on paper, not typed and printed out”. When asked if she would limit her child’s use of technology, she said “she already does to her little boy, but he sees her using her computer and wants’ to use it also.” She limits him to about three hours max, and would prefer to have him outside being active.

This is my interview I had with one of my best friend's Yang. She goes to a different school so I emailed her the questions and she emailed me back her answers, which are shown below:

1. How do you feel about technology and digitalization in our society?
I feel technology has helped us a lot in life. We made much progress and communication is a lot more convenient and faster.
2. Do you think you are addicted to technology?
Yeah pretty much I'd be lost without it because I've become so dependent on it. Without it I won't be able to function.
3. If you were not allowed to used technology or any electronic devices for a day, what would you rather be doing?
Sleeping probably because I'd fall asleep from boredom of not having technology to use.
4. How much time in a day do you spend using technology?
Almost all day.
5. If you had a sixteen-year old child, would you limit their use of > technology in a day? if so, what would be the maximum amount of time > they would be able to use technology?
Yes because it does distract them from many things. I would just limit it to where they must complete their work before sitting down with a phone, TV, etc.

I also asked my boyfriend Billy his opinions on these questions, and below are his answers (all sent to me via email).

1. How do you feel about technology and digitalization in our society?
I feel technology has its good benefits but is sometimes abused.
2. do you think you are addicted to technology?
In a way I am addicted to technology but also in a way I am not. For example unlike other people I CAN live a day without my phone. I in fact had to go a month without it and lived.
3. If you were not allowed to used technology or any electronic devices > for a day, what would you rather be doing?
I would definitely be doing something constructive like playing basketball
4. How much time in a day do you spend using technology?
I’m not exactly sure how long a day I use technology because technology is basically all around us if you think about it.
5. If you had a sixteen-year old child, would you limit their use of technology in a day? If so, what would be the maximum amount of time they would be able to use technology?
No I wouldn't limit their access to technology because it just wouldn't be fair to them because of how spoiled we are when we were younger.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Homework 6- Video Project

Using Technology from Rachel J on Vimeo.

When watching my own video, I realized how completely zoned out I was while focusing on a computer screen. I did not know my mother was walking back in forth in the background, or my sister was being her usual annoying self and sticking herself into my video. I wasn’t aware of anything but what I was doing on the screen. I like to think that I am still conscious when watching TV or on the computer, but my video proved to me that I get completely sucked in to the virtual/digital world and am oblivious to anything else in the world.

I would not want my little sister (or future child) to spend a lot of time using technology, but by saying this I am being a hypocrite. I feel that even though technology is entertaining, children should be outside being active. However, I always have my cell phone or iPod with me, so I don’t want to sound like a hypocrite. Although the rules might change when I do have a child, so I would probably limit them to a maximum of three or four hours of technology a day. However I would make an exception to cell phone or iPod use, because most of the time you are still on the go being active when using a cell phone or iPod. Sitting in front of a computer screen or television is different though, and deserves a time limit.

Watching my video, I tried to think of how it would look to another viewer who did not know why I posted that video or what I was doing. I realized that I would look weird to another viewer, because I have a video of myself staring at something and listening to and iPod. The video does not show that I am on a computer, although that would be common sense. However, on the computer I was IMing my friends and on facebook, but that is not evident in the video. I just look like I am staring at a blank screen, and my emotions are not changing. Even though there is something happening on the computer screen, nobody can tell but me, which makes me look odd in the video.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 4 - Triangular Comments 1

Na Lin,

I think this was a wonderful post; you brought up a lot of great points and provided evidence for those points. Also your picture on the top of your blog really drew me in, and gave me the urge to see what your blog was about. The quote on top of the picture also gave me something to think about before I read your post, which I thought was good because it set off the gears in my mind.
I think your point about how humans are always trying to make current technology better is an extremely strong point, and I like how you backed up that point with evidence about the A.C or how this all creates pollution. I would have never thought about how our current technology is polluting the earth, and I thought that was interesting to read.

One idea that I thought connected to something we brought up in class was your idea about how digitalization helps people figure out who they are. You are stating that they create another personality that might help them blend in with their friends, and this relates to something we said in class. We were talking about how people use technology to put on a mask, so they don’t have to show people who they really are, instead they get to show people who they want to be.

One point that I think you should expand on further is the point about a second personality. I don’t feel that you focused too much on that point; rather you just put it out there. However, it is a really interesting point, and I would love to read more about what you think about people and their masks they create using the digital world.

Also, not to be critical, but you might want to proofread your paper, because I found some grammar mistakes that made it hard to understand what you were trying to say. I think you made a strong point in this statement: “Digitalization lets me talk to people that I don't really know, it can be dangerous but as long as you know what you're doing it'll be fine.”, however I was confused by your wording and feel that if you edited the grammar, your point could be even stronger. Although I probably have grammar mistakes in my posts also, so I would not focus too much on this little grammar mistake.

One thing that your post really makes me think about is how we can use things such as A.C and cars so easily, but we are damaging the world we live in by creating pollution, and instead of spending so much money on A.C’s and materialistic things, we could spend our money helping people in third world countries. However, I think that even though people are aware that others are starving and dying in other countries, we don’t do anything about it because we do not feel like it is our problem, so instead we spend money on useless items. Your post really brought light to my eyes about how others who are not as advanced as us live.
I really enjoyed reading your post because I think you brought up a lot of good points. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future (:


I really enjoyed reading your post, however you seem to be a little hypocritical. You say that people are so immersed in technology that they do not have time to enjoy the outside world, however i think if i was to take your iPod away from you, you would be lost. I always see you with your ipod, and if i was to take that away from you then you would be lost, is that not true?

I can connect to your cousin however, because even when i am outside i will be on my phone, or when i am at the dinner table, i will be on my phone. As you like to tell me everyday, my phone is attached to my hip. however i consider it more of a security blanket then a inconvenience. Having my phone with me, i know that i can always say connected to people, however far away they are from me. Although i try to stay away from texting when i am with my family, on some occasions i will take my phone out and text. this is because as much as i like to see my family, i have to admit at times they are boring and i would much rather be talking to my friends.

One point that you might care to think about though is how technology brings people together also. Technology is not always bad, it can also bring people closer, or hep people reconnect with their old buddies. For example, facebook is one way that people who have not seen or spoke to friends from their middle school can connect back with them, and see how they are doing. If we did not have facebook to reconnect with old friends, we would probably never speak to them again, true?

I like your point in the last paragraph though about how people are always trying to improve technology. There is always something better then the current phenomenon, and people always want the next best thing, however expensive it is.

I really enjoyed reading your post, and i look forward to reading more of your posts!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Homework 3: Initial Thoughts On Digital Unit

Digitization is a huge part of today's world. Our society consists of using technology for everything we do and as humans strive for a better and faster world. Practically every teenager in today's world has some sort of an electronic device, rather it be an ipod, cell phone, camera, or other sorts of electronic devices. If you were to take our electronic devices away from us, we would be lost.

Personally, i like living in our digitized world because everyone is connected. I am able to talk to someone across the country, like California, or someone across the world, like Asia, by sending a simple text or email. Decades ago, people had to send snail mail and wait days for it to arrive to their receiver. In today's society, there is not one teenage who does not own a electronic device, whether it be a cell phone, ipod, laptop, computer, or other forms of electronic devices. our society is so consumed with constantly making what is already good better, that everyone wants the next best thing, especially teenagers. if you were to take our electronic devices away from teenagers, they would not know how to survive, because everywhere we go we are faced with electronics. they make up our lives, sad as that sounds.

However, there are downfalls to technology and digitization. Our entire world consists of electronics, and people have lost their identities. An example of this s the use of facebook. People create facebook accounts to connect with old friends, but instead of calling them up and having an intellectual conversion, people write on each others facebook walls with the basic "hey what's up". Instead of debating on important topics such as the war in Iraq, people talk about what they ate for dinner. Facebook also helps people create "masks" for themselves. They are able to keep secrets, and only tell people what they want them to know. I think that everyone has a mask, even if they do not realize it. i think that people generate masks for themselves because they want to appear mysterious to people, and with today's technology that is possible. when talking to someone over the Internet or text message, that person does not not what you currently look like or what you are doing unless you tell them. it gives you a mask of secrecy, an illusion that stops people from knowing everything about you. i also believe that people are masked to themselves because after creating a mask to keep other people from learning too much about them, they start to believe in that mask themselves. people start to believe that mask, and act like it is who they really are. technology plays a huge role into the masks of our daily lives because it helps set those boundaries. there's no need for face-to-face conversations, therefore the people in the conversation do not get to see how the other reacts.

Besides using the Internet, people also spend a lot of their time watching TV. Although watching TV might seem pointless, it is an easy way for people to escape their own lives. I know that sometimes when i watch TV it is not to put stupid images into my mind, but to distract my mind from thinking about the outside world, such as school or pointless drama. Watching TV is an escape route from dealing with reality. People can also say the same thing about music. When people use ipods on the train, it is not to seem standoffish, but to escape from the boredom of a train ride.

I am really excited for this course because i feel that it will be extremely interesting to learn how technology has affected our culture. Also instead of learning about math or science, which might help us in our future depending on our careers, we are learning about what is going on today, and relating it directly to our life.