Thursday, May 13, 2010

Homework 56 - Interviews and Survey Question

1. Would you ever try an online dating website?
2. Do you think a relationship started because of an online dating website will last? Why or why not?
3. If you were to participate in an online dating website, what would be some questions you would ask to help you get to know someone?

Interview with my mom:
Would you every try an online dating website?
no because I would not trust it.

Do you think a relationship started because of an online dating website will last? Why or why not?
no it will not last because only crazy or desperate people go online dating.

If you were to participate in an online dating website, what would be some of the questions you would ask to help you get to know someone?
what do you like, what are your interests, what do you like to do with your free time, what’s your favorite movie?

Interview with my sister:
Would you every try an online dating website?
no because I don’t think it would be accurate.

Do you think a relationship started because of an online dating website will last? Why or why not?
no because you’re meeting the person online.

If you were to participate in an online dating website, what would be some of the questions you would ask to help you get to know someone?
what do you like to do, how would you describe yourself, what do you look for in a person?

Interview with my friend Yang:
Would you every try an online dating website?

Do you think a relationship started because of an online dating website will last? Why or why not?
possibly because it really depends on the people and how they are in a relationship or how they get along etc., not how they met.

If you were to participate in an online dating website, what would > be
some of the questions you would ask to help you get to know someone?
many.... basics: name, age, school/job, fam
then other things like exs, longest relationships& why they ended, where they live, what they lilke to do for fun ex hobbies, fav sports etc so i know we would agree on plans when we go out etc.

Interview with Carrie Li:
Would you ever try an online dating website?
Maybe, but only when I get really desperate and can't find anyone I like otherwise

Do you think a relationship started because of an online dating website will last? Why or why not?
Yes. Just because you're meeting them online doesn't make them freaks. I'm sure you can find a real genuine person online that's looking for the same things as you do.

If you were to participate in an online dating website, what would be some questions you would ask to help you get to know someone?
Hobbies, what kind of movies/music you like, future goals, questions that will get them to show their personalities

Results Analysis
These interviews actually did not provide me with any new insight into my research question, because the three people I interviewed told me they would not try a dating website. I asked some of my other friends if they would, and they also said no. This made me realize that finding somebody who would use an online dating website will be hard, because most of my friends are my age and have no trouble finding guys, and my family members are married. As a teenager, we don’t think about using online dating websites because we can just step outside and meet new people, especially since we are going to college soon. Online dating websites are for people who cannot meet other people they match with on their own, and need the help of others. Although it was hard to find people who would use or used online dating websites, I am not going to change my research question because I still am interested in how well they work out.

Survery Question
On a scale on 1-10, how accurate do you believe online dating websites and compatibility matches are in creating a lasting relationship, would you try an online dating website?

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