Thursday, December 3, 2009

Homework 27- Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

What does it mean to be cool? In class and on our blogs we discussed our views, but we never asked our family members or strangers on the street what they thought cool meant.

During class on Wednesday, we ventured onto the streets outside of school, and cornered strangers going to work or class. Following one guy pushing a stroller with a baby in it, Henry (with me tagging along), asked this man his opinion on what cool is. While pushing the stroller and walking at a steady pace, the man replied that he thought kids were cool. (How fitting, considering he was pushing his child in a stroller...). Henry then commented on how that was an unusual answer, considering mainstream media likes to tell us that children aren't cool. Defensively (in my opinion), the man replied "I don't care what mainstream media thinks, I think kids are fun and cool." What a good father, huh? After saying thank you to the man pushing the stroller, Kate and I quickly stopped a guy rushing to class. He looked to be in college, and was reluctant to answer our questions until we told him what we were studying. Suddenly he seemed to come alive. When asked what he thought cool was, the guy gave us a shocking and confusing answer. "A manufacturers desire", he replied. When asked to expand on that statement, he replied "it's self-explanatory." What, did he think he was cool by giving us that answer? But when asked if he thought he was cool, he said no. Before leaving, he gave us one piece of advice. He recommended a book called "A noble writer sound of words" by Wallace Stevens, and told us it would help us in our class. We thanked him for his time, and off he went. Two interesting point of views from our first two interviews, who's next? Oh yes, the man in the blue leather jacket, blue sunglasses, and blue hat. Trying to make a statement or resembling cookie monster? Either way, he answered our questions for us. He gave us a generic answer to what his definition of cool was (just being ironic since he was resembling a character from a child's television show), and didn't believe that he was cool. He also said the way you dress makes you cool (also ironic). When asked who was cool, he replied "entrepreneurs or people who make a lot of money." When asked which celebrity he believed was cool, he replied Jay-Z, since he made a lot of money. Carrie asked if the sunglasses he were wearing were cool, and he replied "no, I just wear them to avoid eye contact." I'm assuming eye contact is not cool in his opinion...although Jay-Z makes eye contact with many on a daily basis. Finally, we asked a female jogger who was taking a rest while waiting for someone. In my opinion, she was the coolest stranger we interviewed today, because her answers were extremely thought out and she didn't give us generic answers. She believed that being cool wasn't about "popularity or power, it was more about being passionate about something you love." In her opinion, standing up for what you believe in is cool. She believes that she is cool because she stands up for causes she believes in, such as preventing human trafficking. When asked which celebrities she believed were cool, she replied Susan Surander and Gloria Stein, both chosen because of the way they gave back to the community and how they stood up for what they believed in. She also believed that integrity was cool, and that men and women have different views on what cool is. She thinks men associate cool with power and receiving, while women associate cool with giving back and standing up for what they believe in. This seems to be true, to a certain extent, depending on the person in question.

After the interviews on the streets, I asked my friend Yang, who isn't in our school, about her definitions of cool, who (in her life and celebrities) is cool, and if she is cool. Her answers were "Being cool can be phrased as relaxed, easy to be with, stress free, hip, in style, awesome or good. Its a positive word that can describe a person, location, object style and much more. It can also mean laid back, mellow and something, somewhere or someone u would like to be associated with. Honestly I think I can be cool at times but not always like when I am in a bad mood or tired. I can be cool when I'm with close friends and having a good time but when I am stressed I can be very moody. I think current mood & stress level has a lot to do with "coolness". The coolest celebrity would be Robin Williams. He makes others laugh and gives people a good time. He's a great entertainer and keeps away from scandals and such, so he isn't an attention seeker. I would say I know a lot of cool people in my life. among those would be my close & best friends who are there for me when I need them and I can be myself with them because they are cool with how crazy or moody I can be at times and still love me for who I am. When we hang out we have a lot of fun and if we fight we always make up. My parents can be cool when they aren't being strict or nagging about school or curfews but they aren't always cool. I guess those are some of the cool people in my life.

Finally, I asked my mother the same questions I asked Yang. Her answers were "cool is being able to relate to people from the past and present generations. Be open minded about cultures, beliefs, fads, current events without imposing your own feelings upon others. Cool can also be anything that is the newest and must haves that everyone wants. Yes, I do think I am cool. I always wanted to be the cool mom, someone my kids and their friends can feel comfortable talking and being with, and being able to relate back with them. I like their musics and most of their taste in things. I feel and act young and that makes me cool too. I can fit into all different generations. In my opinion, the coolest celebrity is...hmm...this is a hard one, but I think I would say Donny Osmond. After seeing him in Dancing with the Stars and having him win makes him the oldest winner to date so that's cool. He is ageless and timeless in his celebrity status. I known him and liked him most of my life and he is still the same person as when he was young and that makes him the coolest in my opinion. In my life, I think the coolest person is my husband. This is because he is giving back to the community at the moment. I asked him to simplified and get rid of his stuffs he accumulated and does not need. He is giving his books and office supplies to the City Councilman office to donate to our oversea troops and also to the neighborhood school who can use the supplies more."

Strangers on the street, friends, family members, classmates, students, it doesn't matter who you are, we all have different views on what cool is. Some answers maybe be generic, some may be astounding. But what does our media and mass corporations say about what cool is? Lets save that for next time(:

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