Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homework 11- Digitalization Experiment

For my experiment I decided to experience digitalization through use of my iPod. Many people have different views on whether or not listening to an iPod while studying/doing homework actually increases your concentration, and I decided to conduct my own experiment to see which the correct answer was was for me. I decided to listen to my iPod while doing my English homework for Kinory. When I first started my homework, I started singing and humming along to the music, but after a while my music faded into the background of my mind and I was able to focus on my homework. I forgot that I was even listening to my iPod, and was able to concentrate extremely well on typing up my essay. The only downside to listening to my music was when my music stopped for an unknown reason and I had to choose a new song. I couldn’t get back into my thinking zone for a couple of minutes, and was completely thrown off for a while. However I did get a lot of work done while listening to my iPod. After doing some of my English homework with my iPod, I decided to test my experiment and shut off my music. For a while I could not concentrate because I kept getting distracted by the sounds of my surroundings around me, such as the television, or my mother talking. It took my longer to gain a focus and get into my thinking zone without the use of my iPod then it did with the use of my iPod.

By experiencing digitalization through my iPod, I was able to realize how much I really count on my iPod. I never realized that without my iPod I could not get into my thinking zone when doing homework as well. Before the experiment I thought my results would be different because I thought my music interfered with my homework (which is what adults always like to tell you), but after I looked at my results I realized once I blocked out my music I was able to concentrate extremely well. However when I was doing my physics homework and listening to music I could not get into my zone because I kept getting distracted. I had to shut off my music because I wasn’t able to focus on the numbers and equations in front of me. I think that listening to my iPod while doing humanities homework helps, as listening to music is what I am doing right now as typing this. But when listening to my iPod while working on math and physics homework I get distracted and cannot clearly think.

I am really glad I did this experiment because I use to take my iPod for granted, and never really realized how much it actually does help me focus. I use my iPod all the time, as a way to block out my surroundings, especially when I am on the train or walking down the street. However I never thought listening to my iPod while doing homework actually helps me concentrate, so I am glad this experiment helped show me that.

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